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I love to make movies and make people laugh.

Grew up in Pennsylvania and narrowly survived 12 years of Catholic School.


Graduated from American University in Washington, DC with a degree in Film and Media Studies. 


I always consider it my job to keep people entertained, and I've loved being able to hone my skills so I can entertain people through visual media. 


The most useful college class I had was Backpack Journalism, where I developed the skills necessary to be a "one-man crew" video journalist. The basic building blocks I learned in this class are essential to telling any visual story.


I'm a strong writer, and I enjoy revising and editing. I love working as part of a team, bouncing ideas and collaborating with other creative minds.


I'm passionate about film and television, and I'm most interested in pre-production and production. My favorite place to be is on location during shoots. 


As a film student, I learned to create a project from the ground up. I'm competent in planning, writing, filming and post production. 


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